In South Frontenac Since 2013
By registering as a student of Nomad Yogini/Amanda Butterill, I agree to the following:
I am solely responsible for the decision to participate in yoga classes, pilates classes, foam rolling (myofascial release) classes, health programs (including but not limited to yoga, pilates, foam rolling ayurveda, and nutrition), workshops, and/or other exercise (collectively, the “Activities”) offered by Nomad Yogini/Amanda Butterill and/or its/her teachers, workshop presenters, and independent contractors.
I assume responsibility for any risk or injury that I may sustain as a result of my participation in the Activities.
I recognize that I must be in good physical and mental health to participate in the Activities. I represent and warrant that I have no medical condition that would prevent my participation in the Activities.
I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with a physician prior to and regarding my participation in the Activities. If I have consulted a physician, I have taken their advice. I am aware of the physical risks involved with strenuous exercise and understand that the Activities are not a substitute for medical attention, examination, diagnosis or treatment.
I understand that Nomad Yogini/Amanda Butterill and/or its/her teachers, workshop presenters, and independent contractors reserve the right in its/her absolute discretion to refuse my participation in an Activity on medical or fitness grounds.
I am sufficiently self-aware to stop physical activity before I become ill or injured. I commit to listening to my body and respecting its limits every time I participate in the Activities. If at any time during the Activity(ies) I feel discomfort, strain or pain, I will come into a modification or pause what I am doing and seek assistance from the teacher. It is my responsibility to consult with a physician regarding any discomfort, strain or pain I feel as a result of my participation in the Activities.
I am solely responsible for notifying my teacher of my acute or chronic illness(es) or injury(es) or future changes to my medical condition before every Activity.
I will not hold Nomad Yogini/Amanda Butterill, its/her teachers, workshop presenters, independent contractors, or hosting facility liable for any injuries or damages to my person or property caused in whole or in part by participating in the Activities, by my failure to follow the instructions provided, or by any physical impairment that I may have.